International and interdisciplinary conference
4-6 Jul 2018 Toulouse (31) (France)


International and interdisciplinary conference "Contaminations, the environment, health and society : from risk assessment to public action"

4-6 July 2018, Toulouse (France)


The quality of the environment is currently acknowledged as being a determining factor not only on health but also the social welfare of populations. Attention is regularly drawn to the harmful effects of environmental contamination on health and sustainable development at all levels, from local up to global. 

The uncertain consequences of their accumulation (cocktail effect) during unwanted exposure are potentially conflicting and damaging to health, thus making them a subject of concern.

Studying environmental risks therefore requires an interdisciplinary approach, bringing into question scientific assessment methods and knowledge transfer to facilitate operations.

Conference objective:

- to bring together the scientific community working on environmental contamination and associated risks (sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, environmental chemistry, (eco)toxicology, medicine, etc.) and to review practices at disciplinary interfaces.

- to share and discuss the knowledge and practices of researchers, decision-makers and managers as to this issue of environmental contamination and resulting risks.

- to act as a forum for comparing viewpoints, discussing the risks involved in environmental contamination and proposing recommendations and practices to implement or methodologies to share and/or communicate to better manage or reduce these risks.

- to put into perspective, for both developed and developing nations, the characteristics, methodologies, constraints and challenges of assessing risks related to environmental contamination.


French is the only official language of the international conference.
Simultaneous translation English and French, 4th July.

Satellite event of ESOF 2018

ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) is the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe. It is dedicated to scientific research and innovation and offers a unique framework for interaction and debate for scientists, innovators, policy makers, business people and the general public. The 8th edition of ESOF will take place in Toulouse, France, from 9 till 14 July 2018.




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